"While some worry that AI may take their job, Someone who's Using AI, WILL take it."
- Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA (AI chip maker)
Two Software Companies Partnered to Create This Site And Form The "DeadEasy AI Alliance" to Simplify AI and Provide Everyday People With Very Powerful "Many Models" AI Apps That Enable Them to USE Unlimited AI To Their own Benefit & Profit, at the Lowest Cost Possible.
Don't Ignore or Avoid or Fear AI - USE it to Help YOU.
AI is a Truly Astonishing, Money Making, Time Saving Tool that can do and Create Incredible things!
ChatGPT is NOT The Only AI Model (There are several HUNDRED Models)
NO One AI Model Is the "Best" At EVERYTHING (Not Even Close!)
"FREE" AI has LIMITS (Yep. So You Will BUY Their $20 "Pro" Level AI !)
Their $20/mo "Pro" Level AI Is JUST for THEIR AI Model (if you wanted to use 6 models - it's 6 Apps on 6 sites & each charges $20/mo per model = $120/mo)
EVERY AI Company has There Own App for Their AI Model(s) (That's a Lot of Different Apps! We Put ALL Models INSIDE each of our Apps)
Whether It's their Pro Level or Free AI - You Still Have To Create Prompts
So Engineers, Writers & Artists at TWO Software Companies (thru Development, Innovations, & Negotiations) Built a Solution:
A Powerful ARSENAL of (95+) Best AI Models AND
(65+) Simplified APPs To Make You Money
With ALL the AI Models INSIDE Each App
With Unlimited "Pro" AI Use For EVERY Model
And NO Prompting (We GIVE You Prompts)
With APPs That Run ON ANY DEVICE, All on 1 Site

1 Pro or Free Model vs 95+ Pro AI Models!
Having an AI Arsenal Is Like having a TEAM Helping
As Opposed To ONE Helper
So You Can Make Money Easier, Faster, Better
And You Can Have It ALL - For A Measly $5
$5 (for Those Who Join Now) and YOU CAN:
- STOP Paying $20 For Pro AI From ONE AI Source OR
- ADD The POWER of An ARSENAL of "Pro" Level AI Models & Apps INCLUDING the AI they charge $20 to get! (Keep your favorite $20 App - use us for the rest!)
- Get Unlimited Use of ALL 95+ AI Models In EVERY AI App (each App - ALL Models)
- Get the POWER of an Arsenal of 65+ Simplified Apps For Making Money
- Get Your Prompts GIVEN To You
- Make Money Easier, Faster, Better With - and Without! - AI
- Try It Without Losing A Dime - Instant NoRisk Refunds If You Cancel
$5 May Be Hard To Believe,
(Especially If You Read The Whole Page) But It IS True
(Only YOU Can Get It This Cheap - Those Who Join Later Will Have To Pay More)
A Hamburger Costs More & And A Hamburger Won't Make You Money.
The POWER To Profit
Customers served!
(So Far!)
Customers served!
(So Far!)
(We're Going To Need A Bigger Site!)
The MANY-Models AI ARSENAL Advantage (Quick Case Study)
Let's say you decide to make money creating Blogs or Articles. You advertise that service on FaceBook or Fiverr, etc. to offer that service - along with HUNDREDS of others out there! BUT Most of Them are using 1 Model like ChatGPT - free version.
But YOU can offer, 5 VERY different Versions of the SAME topic for the same price - and create them with the EXACT same prompt. How?
Using 5 different PRO AI models! INSIDE our Blog Content Writer App you create one article with ChatGPT, save it. IN the App, change the AI Model (a drop down list) to Claude or Gemini or Perplexity or etc., use the same prompt and get a different version output.
Repeat 3 more times. It might take 5 minutes - Total. (Or Use one article & rewrite it 5 times with Our ReWriter App using 5 different models.)
Who is going to make more sales? The guy charging $5 for ONE article OR YOU the guy selling FIVE variations - that can be posted in 5 different places - for the same $5?
Oh, and remember - we GIVE You prompts to use.
The AI Revolution is here To STAY.
Like the Internet itself, AI will GROW and spread.
Don't Ignore it and watch your competitor Use it.
People who sit on the fence never do anything but watch & wish.
The BEST - and most Profitable - way to deal with AI is to USE It.
Make IT work FOR YOU, Make IT Profit YOU.
But there's an ELEPHANT in the way . . .
Microsoft, Google, even OpenAI are NOT "Non-profit" companies.
-- They are in AI for the Money. "Free" AI now, may Not be Free later.
-- They offer some "Free" AI - So You will use THEIR
-- Their Free AI Only Uses their own AI Model(s)
-- They LIMIT/RESTRICT the "Free" AI. Why?
So You will pay $20 to go "Pro" & Use JUST Their Pro AI.
And You Still have to Create Prompts
Free AI is great if all you need is questions answered or a few paragraphs written.
IF You have serious work - BIG tasks - or want to create something to Make Money...
This is what you actually get with "Free" AI:
IF you ask for a 1,000 word Article/blog/email - you get about 500-600 words max.
IF you ask their Free AI to create an eBook - You get a Book Outline. Maybe a few pages or a 5 page "ebook".
The number of times you can prompt, AND how much "output" you get, IS LIMITED (or they go broke!)
Do You Want to Be Limited? Have to create content a page at a time?
Do you want to use SEPARATE APPs for each single AI Model available?
Whose AI would You choose to PAY $20 for JUST the "Pro" Version of Just THEIR AI:
-- OpenAI's ChatGPT Pro? - $20/mo
-- Microsoft's CoPilot Pro? (CoPilot uses OpenAI) - $19.95/mo
-- Anthropic's Claude 3 Pro? $20/mo
-- Google's Gemini "Advanced"? - $19.99/mo
Pay $5 /mo and Get UNLIMITED Pro Level AI for ALL 95+ AI MODELS!
INCLUDING ChatGPT, Claude3, Gemini, etc., etc., etc.!
Pay $5 Instead of Paying them $20 - OR
Pay $5 To Get a Cheap POWER ADD-ON
To Get The POWER of an ARSENAL of ALL the Best AI Models & APPs.
IF You Pay $20/mo to Get Unlimited Pro AI using ONLY ONE SOURCE of AI with ONLY One (or a few) AI Models,
How MUCH is it Worth to Get THOSE SAME Models - Plus 94 MORE,
ALL with the Same "Pro" Level Unlimited AI Use?
ALL Available Within EVERY APP in An ARSENAL of Apps?
We developed, innovated, negotiated Contracts and Agreements - ALL to make Using That AI Power Cheaper.
AI is an astonishing Money Making, Time Saving Tool.
(We have 2 minute Videos about HOW Astonishing, further Below on The Page!)
AI IS the Easiest, Best Chance EveryDay People Have To Make Money.
The more AI Tools you have, the better. (and WE Pay For the AI You Use)
It costs less than a Hamburger to get All you need.
There are MANY ways to profit from using AI.
We have a list of 28 Ways You Can Make Money With Our Apps (Further down the page).
It barely scratches the surface of what is possible.
You can make money JUST by using it to do your Job faster OR
using it to create ads to sell products that AI creates FOR you.
You can do things you never thought possible.
Two Software Companies Developed, Innovated, Negotiated & Built
One $5 Site That Simplifies AI For EveryDay People
Gives You The POWER of an ARSENAL of the Best 95+ AI Models*
(Including ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude 3 & 92 More)
And 65+ Simplified APPs - Where Any APP Can USE Any AI Model
With NO Charge For Using UNLIMITED "Pro" AI
NO Prompts For You to Create (We Take Care of That)
Which Gives You A HUGE, Cheaper** Advantage To PROFIT From AI
* It's as IF You Could Stream ALL The Best TV (Netflix, Disney, HBO, etc.) for $5 - Except It's For AI
** Those Who Join After This Launch WILL Pay More
USING AI to make you money or do your work, is very Smart.
But Paying $20 for just ONE "Pro" AI Model?
==> Check It ALL Out the FULL "Nutshell" of Features below
SEE what is Possible with just $5 - for our members.
AI is only PART of it! (There are a Lot of "Nuts" Inside Our site's "shell")
$5 May Not Buy a Lot Out There, But It Could MAKE You Money Here!
TWO Software Companies Built a Simple $5 Site
- We combined experience, technology, funds & staff to create Apps with AI Connections
- We Did the Math to make Unlimited PRO AI as affordable as possible ($5 for the first 300 members).
- WE Developed, Negotiated & INNOVATED so we could - For EveryDay People - Do THIS:
Create An ARSENAL of The Best AI Models & Apps With Unlimited Pro AI Use
GIVE You Unlimited "PRO" Level AI from 95+ AI Models For NO Charge
- We have ALL the EXACT SAME AI MODELS as they do (OpenAI, Microsoft, Claude3, Google Gemini etc.)
- Other sites give you 1 or 2 AI Models & their "Free" AI is Restricted/Limited
- Other Sites Charge $20 or more for "Pro" version AI to do things like create eBooks to sell.
We TESTED & CHOSE The Best 95+ AI Models For You
- OpenAI ChatGPT (which we include) IS NOT the first, best OR Only AI Source!
- We Tested & CHOSE 95+ AI Sources from Several THOUSAND AI Sources Available
We ADDED 65+ Severely SIMPLIFIED & Specialized Apps - an App Arsenal
- Apps so simple Grandma could use them to do your homework
- We add more Apps constantly (& other things like eBooks & videos)
Simple MANY-Model AI Apps (EACH with 95+ AI Sources)
- So YOU can use MORE than just "ChatGPT" to Compete, succeed & make money
- because if you do Not USE AI, You Lose! You get left behind. Again.
Simplified Non-AI Apps
- for when it's Faster and Easier NOT to Use AI (even to make money!)
ELIMINATED Any Need For You To Create AI Prompts
- Simpler to GIVE you Prompts - Plus give you Apps that Create prompts FOR you
PUT A Growing Arsenal of AI & Apps All In ONE Place on ONE Site
- It's Simpler, Cheaper & More Productive than using different Apps on Many Sites
INVENTED Simple Apps/Tools That Run on ANY Device Or Screen
- Control and use an entire Arsenal of AI On A PHONE with Incredible EASE
- NO downloads, no screen clutter, no updating, no problems, simple to use. Load & Run
FREE SUPPORT from Actual Human Beings NOT AI
- Some things should have a human touch. We Post our email address not a "form."
FOCUSED & TUNED Apps To Do Your Work & Make You Money - focused and tuned designs to simplify the Apps and get things done FASTER
INVENTED Simple Apps That Talk & Recognize Voice
- So You don't have To Type Anything and can "hear" An AI Apps Response
FREE "MAKE YOU An App" Service
- If We Don't Have An App You NEED yet, just ask! We create it and add it for you.
FREE "GIVE You A Prompt" Service
- If You Can't Get a Proper prompt out of our Prompt Apps or Prompt Arsenal WE will craft one FOR You
FREE ACCESS to Our OTHER Software & AI Sites
- We are building other software/AI sites. All members here will get FREE Full membership at those sites.
WE NEVER STOP ADDING APPs, Tools & AI Sources/Models & MORE
- We develop Apps & Tools, Test AI Sources And ADD them to the site
- We Are Writing "How To" books, Making Videos, UTubeBooks™, and More
- You Never Pay extra for the extra we add. Your membership fee does Not go up
- If you Pay $5/mo to join now - it's STAYS $5 when we pass 100 Apps or 100 AI Sources
INCLUDED A No Risk, No Questions, 30 day Guarantee
- It's that simple: Try it and don't like it? Cancel & Get Refunded. Even on day 29. 🙂
- KEEP everything You create. For Example: If You used our App to write a book, the book stays yours even if you cancel.
OK, That's was a LOT of "Nuts" To List! 🙂
But We SAVE You Money by Giving You ALL for Just $5
- As Affordable as The Math said we could go & Still give you PRO Level AI use.
$5 May Not Buy a Lot Out There, But It Could MAKE You Money Here!
(Members Who Join After This Launch WILL Pay More)
NOW, check THIS out!. . .
A STAGGERING Comparison & A Power Demo:
The OpenAI site - (and others!) charges $20 for "Pro" & 2 versions of ChatGPT.
You CAN, Do & Make AMAZING things with ChatGPT.
OpenAI Site on iPhone
2 AI Model Versions
For $5 get 65+ apps. AI Arsenal App is a Many-Model App. You can do ALL the SAME Amazing things! USE ChatGPT or ANY of 95 AI models. Unlimited Pro AI
AI Arsenal App on iPhone
A Slide Menu of 95 AI Models - FREE AI
ALL Models Work The Same In The App
Explore in 2 Minutes The POWER
of MANY AI Sources (AI Models)
2 Minute Demo: How To Use ONE of our Simplified AI Apps and Choose & Use ANY of 95 AI Models (AI Sources)! (ChatGPT is Only ONE of our AI Models)
This is ONE of MANY Apps. IF you Saw the Video - You Now know, how to use All the other Apps! (They ALL have the same Look & Layout)
This One App works like ChatGPT & Can Do Amazing Work For You & You can even choose a BETTER AI Model (AI Source) Than ChatGPT.
ANY AI Model You Choose - Any Time - You Still Pay Nothing for the AI
(There are More VIDEOS Below About Making Money with AI)
(Members Who Join After This Launch WILL Pay More)
Huge Advantage Goes To The AnyOne Using Our:
Customers served!
(So Far!)
Customers served!
(So Far!)
Don't Need to Pay Multiple sites
Don't Need to Go To Multiple Sites to Use AI Apps
Don't Need to Go To Multiple Sites to Use other AI Models - We have the EXACT SAME AI Models here.
NO API Keys Needed - We Pay for The AI members use.
Never Have to Become a "Prompt Engineer" - We GIVE You Prompts
Never hire a Writer again - 95+ Models & 36+ Apps write FOR you
Never have to pay for Graphics again.
Never pay for Prompts OR even create your own - We GIVE You Apps for that
Never have to Hire a Programmer
NEVER (Never!) have To Learn anything complicated - All Apps are SIMPLIFIED
We ADD Apps - The more Apps we give you, the more work you get done, FASTER
NO Downloads, NO Screen Clutter - ALL Apps are on One Site, One Login
All Apps are EASY to Use on Any Device - Even Phone Screens
Our Severely SIMPLIFIED AI Apps fixed those problems. and more.
We Simplified AI To Do The Extraordinary...
Many Apps, Many
AI Models, All with Unlimited AI. For Just $5
Having so much Power at your fingertips is Fun, and profitable.
Consider how much more Power you get from simple access to MANY AI Models (Sources of AI) Instead of ONE. Don't like the response? Choose another - In the App!
Our Apps include AI Models from OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, FaceBook, Anthropic, Perplexity, etc., etc., etc. THEY ARE THE SAME AI.
To Name a Few Included:
. . . and so, so many more!
INSIDE the Apps, You CHOOSE the AI Model You Want - from 95+ Models Available
SOLVE a Problem:
Let's say (hypothetically) you need a "vehicle" to do a particular job. Some jobs need a car. Some require a truck. Some require a Limo. Some a tractor. The vehicle needed depends on the job/work. With one click, you can choose the AI "vehicle" - an AI Model (Source of AI) - you need to get your AI job/work done.
You don't have to be stuck with just ChatGPT. If YOU have all the "Vehicles" You win.
The Simple REWARDS
WHY try to get your work done or to create a product, using ONE AI Model (ChatGPT) and endless "prompting"?
Our Apps are Simplified & Specialized and DESIGNED Specifically to do the work you need or create the product you need. And to save you time and money. And WE provide prompts.
We make Simple do, the Extraordinary:
- SIMPLIFY Your Life with Massively Simplified AI to make you money or do your work.
- Our Apps are SO Simplified & Specialized, even Grandma could finish your algebra homework in seconds!
- Simple, Specialized Apps built to be Brain-Dead Easy for an everyday person with NO tech experience.
- Our Apps TALK - each AI App has a "Speak" button for "talking" responses.
- You USE the 95+ AI Models by simply by choosing them from a Drop Down Menu in The App You are using.
- ESCAPE Learning Curves. Our Apps are simple & designed so if you Learn 1, you learn them all. They have the same design, look, feel.
- Our Specialized Apps are DESIGNED to MAKE MONEY for you (a Video Below in 'The Money' Section shows You HOW, in 3 minutes)
- These Simplified & Specialized Apps are the result of 2 Years of Development by 2 Software Companies.
- Real HUMAN Support not AI - email us at [email protected] ANYTIME or Question.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
– Leonardo da Vinci.
WHEN you Go beyond just using our "FREE" Apps and JOIN, then Using the site and getting access to the entire Apps ARSENAL™ and ALL the AI Models and using EVERYTHING else we have added so far - and will add - is simplicity itself. Just 3 Steps:

The APP Chosen Opens in a NEW Page Like...
Apps open and run as their own stand-alone INDIVIDUAL Single Page App and run independently - they use NO RESOURCES on the server, so there are NO performance issues for you.
Apps display perfectly, even on a small phone screen. SIMPLE to use.
Our Individual, Stand-alone, Simplified Apps do your work. They create products to sell. They chat. And more. Our Simplified Apps have a similar look, feel, and ALL work the same way.
There are Apps to do everything - all the work - You need. They run on ANY device - even use them on your phone screen - all from ONE site. SIMPLIFIED Apps Even Grandma Could Use (Multi-Model AI, AI and NON-AI)
There are:
-- Apps to MAKE You MONEY
-- Apps to Write Content for You
-- Apps to MAKE Apps to Sell (in seconds, No coding)
-- Apps to Make Products to Sell
-- Apps to Write Complete eBooks READY to Sell
-- Apps to Do Your Work Fast & Easy
-- Apps to Create AI Images & Graphics
-- Apps that have a Speak button so they can TALK (actually Speak)
-- Apps so simplified Grandma could use them
-- Multi-Model Apps to "Chat" & use a Choice of 95+ AI Models - Including ChatGPT
Over 65+ Simplified & Specialized Apps - Multi-Model AI, AI, and Non-AI - And more being added Constantly.
Many of the Apps have multiple purposes and can do multiple tasks
IF You Only Want ChatGPT?
Use our Quick Easy AI App - a direct Chat Interface into the Same OpenAI ChatGPT. It Does the EXACT SAME THINGS You'd do On OpenAI! For $5 instead of $20.
ChatGPT IS NOT The ONLY AI Model Here!
Creating PROMPTS Eliminated
Prompts can drive you crazy. Most sites don’t reveal to you a need for “prompts“ (what you "say" to the AI) till after you’ve paid and joined. These AI require prompts.
One way we simplify AI for you, is by eliminating any need for you to create prompts.
In layman's terms “Prompts“ are what you 'say' – usually by text – to the AI model to get the response you want: questions, instructions, or context to use, etc..
Prompts are a New & difficult World to most people. So we provide FOUR ways to minimize or eliminate your need to Create a Prompt:
- We put Prompts IN the Apps for you to just select and use.
- We insert PrePrompts in our App CODE to Simplify Prompting & get better responses
- We Created a Prompt Engineer App you can ASK to create the prompt you need
- We Created the Prompts Arsenal App with a database of Tens of Thousands of prompts already written, edited & tested - you just choose.
You will not have to deal with creating prompts at all and definitely won’t have to be a prompt engineer. 🙂

The MONEY (Making Yours With AI)
Money is not a four letter word 🙂
We can all use money - why Not have AI and Apps do the work to get it, for you?
Most people are using AI - to make money, either by creating actual products to sell OR by using AI to do the work SO MUCH FASTER, or to help them sell. Or even to improve their jobs.
We have many Apps for that. Both AI
Apps AND Non-AI Apps.
There are examples and demos on this page below to demonstrate the what and the how.
ONLY Need ONE To Make Money
It only takes ONE simple product to make some money.
We have several Apps that make things You Can Sell.
It only takes ONE Good product (idea) to make good money.
Just don't let someone else use your idea first. Join first! Timing, is everything. Don't be left behind.
Get an eBook Written for Amazon In Minutes. (Why not? We did it)
We have THREE eBook Maker Apps.
We used AI eBook Write-r Xtreme App for a test. It can Create COMPLETE Non-Fiction eBooks from a simple description of an idea (We used 4 sentences!)
In 2 days, we created 4 Kindle eBooks (85+ Pages LONG!) READY TO BE PUBLISHED - Approved by Amazon and LISTED for sale - Approved EXACTLY as written by our App.
We made no changes or edits. The App delivered an eBook in Kindle Format ready to be published that Amazon did not know was AI. They are available on Kindle RIGHT NOW.
Of course, you could also sell the eBooks yourself. (on X, GumRoad, FaceBook, etc.)
A Video Below Shows You How We Did This.
==== Is it Worth $5 to Make $50?
After watching our video below, with our Apps you could create a small, ready to be published book in 20 minutes, max. While watching TV. Or eating a sandwich.
If you only charged $5, made posts about it on FaceBook, and only 10 people buy it, WHO CARES?! You had AI create it!
You make $50 and YOU are now a "Published Author"
Make Money DEMO 1:
HOW - Using (One of 3) Apps - To Create & Publish Your Own AI Written eBook on Amazon - For Fun & Profit
Short Demo: How To Use One Simplified AI App To Publish an AI Written eBook on Amazon in Minutes
If you Watched this You know how to use our other Apps! (All use the same style interface)
This is Just ONE App That can help you Make Money with The Apps Arsenal™
27 More Ways To Make Money with 26 Apps
Knowing One method and seeing one video only scratches the surface.
Click The Button To POP UP a list to learn 27 ways to Make Money using our Apps. (even that, doesn't scratch the surface)
The MONEY (Making Money WITHOUT AI)
AI apps are Not the only Apps we have to help you make money - we also have NON-AI Apps in the Arsenal for doing the same thing. More than one.
UTubeBook™ Maker is a NON-AI App that Creates a "Gallery of Videos" Book - a Stand-alone Web App that runs on ANY DEVICE!
Legally Use ANY Videos You Choose from YouTube or Vimeo
YouTube can be used for things like getting some traffic via Videos you create, But It is VERY difficult, and expensive, to make money directly on the site itself. We fixed that.
UTubeBook™ Maker
Pro creates a Video Book App you CAN sell or give away by leveraging those Videos on YouTube. ANY video on YouTube & Vimeo.

When anyone uploads a Video to YouTube (or Vimeo), they have to agree/not agree to allow that video to be "embedded" viewed & shared in websites outside of YouTube.
UTubeBook™ Maker creates UTubeBooks™ - a "Gallery of Videos" Book App, with or without text you add to videos, by using the "embed link".
IT DOES NOT COPY the videos - just load the video thumbnail and first frame. The Book App that is created, loads (FAST!) & displays those videos - ON DEMAND.
The VideoBook App it creates can be uploaded on any website anywhere.
UTubeBook™ Maker can (if you like) password protect your Book App - a user has to have the password to use the App and see the Videos YOU selected or created (and uploaded to YouTube).
SO, you can SELL "access" to the Book App videos by selling the password access.
THIS VIDEO below shows you, in a few minutes, how it's done. It is simple and easy.
Make Money DEMO 2:
UTubeBook Maker
Creates a UTubeBook™, a "Gallery of Videos" Book as a stand-alone Web App that runs on ANY DEVICE!
Legally Use ANY Videos from YouTube or Vimeo.
Short Demo: How To Use UtubeBook Maker to create UTubeBook™s in Minutes
If you Watched this You know how to use our other Apps! (All use the same style interface)
This is Just ONE App That can help you Make Money with The Apps Arsenal™
Our Dedicated MISSION is to Provide as many SOURCES of AI as Possible and Simplify AI for everyday people. To build inexpensive, simplified and specialized AI & Non-AI Software that is Simple Smart™ and built to actually help YOU - to Get Your Work done FASTER or to Make You some Money, Easier. AS INEXPENSIVELY AS POSSIBLE.
We are committed to HELPING our visitors and members, SO We WELCOME & ENCOURAGE ANY Questions YOU have, directly to our email address: [email protected]
We Want to be contacted, and answer your questions PERSONALLY.
Two Software Companies Creates These Apps
Not one, but TWO Software/Engineering companies - One in the US and one in the EU, who partnered in 2021 to create all this software and AI and this site, applying decades of experience in development and engineering with Teams of professional artists, writers, programmers and engineers.
These Apps are Not the creations of some lone marketer and an outsourced programmer.
Joe C. - Leader
Dead Parrot Software Inc.
A former NASA/ Intel/ Bell Labs Engineer
For 15 years Dead Parrot Software Inc. (DPS) has developed software products for ourselves & other companies. Now we are DEDICATED to our Site Members:.
to providing ONE platform FULL of Simplified Apps and Multi-Model AI Apps™ to Get Things Done Quickly & Make them Money.
Our Apps run on ANY device, any screen, from PC to Phone.
Our creative engineering team LOVES to create Apps (and eBooks, digital art, videos & more) - So Apps are Added CONSTANTLY. Over 48 Apps ADDED in past 6 months!
AND I want you to ask ANYTHING, then Please do so: [email protected]
Luis Hernández Peña
CEO of SinLios Soluciones Digitales
Since 2012, SinLios has been developing Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and Single Page Apps (SPA), as well as native Windows Apps with development software & tools THEY developed: VisualNeo Web & VisualNeo Windows compiler and IDE's.
These same tools were used to create the Apps for this site. The Apps on this site could not have been developed so rapidly without VisualNeoWeb.
SinLios is a strategic and software development partner with Dead Parrot Software. BOTH companies are dedicated to developing Apps for this site and it's members using the latest technology.
Please Check out the Apps SHOWCASE Below
There is so much we could share with you about the AI, the Apps, and Software it could fill a book. So We Wrote One! (Like Everything Else - It's Included in your membership. Available in about a week.
The Dead Easy AI Guides:
Simplifying AI For Everyday People
Joe e. Clayton & Luis Hernández Peña
Below is a showcase of Just SOME of the Apps ARSENAL™ Apps, so far. ALL of them are Simplified - Single Page Apps. EASY to use, but powerful. ALL plugged into and executed/run from our single site Platform! And we will continue to develop and Add more Continuously.
Make Money Apps
Money Apps are what we call the Simplified APP Maker & Product Maker Apps in the Arsenal. You actually can make money with these Apps.
These Apps were designed to create Products for you. Your own Apps, eBooks, etc. NO effort, NO coding.
The AI does the Work and produces Simplified Products for you, ready to sell & deliver. In minutes. Some of the Apps on this site were created with Money Apps!
Create a HUNDRED Apps - Create a HUNDRED eBooks. Make MONEY by doing your work INCREDIBLY FAST - It still costs you nothing extra.
Money Apps: Xtreme AI Makers
These are several Xtreme Money Apps created by our Teams to help you make money using AI to write COMPLETE eBooks or custom "focused" AI Bots and we are adding more.
TWO Amazing (Amazon KDP Ready) eBook MAKER Apps

In 2 Versions - Human Enhanced (HE) and Pure AI - BOTH Create COMPLETE eBooks from Just an Idea.
AI eBook Write-r - HE &
AI eBook Write-r Xtreme
(Human Enhanced AI & Pure AI Versions)
Create COMPLETE Full Non-Fiction eBooks from an idea & a simple description!
In 1 day, we created & PUBLISHED 4 Kindle eBooks, Approved by Amazon and LISTED for sale - Approved EXACTLY as written by our App. We made no edits.
(Of course, you could also sell the eBooks yourself)
Create eBooks - output in Kindle format! - that seem Human written & passed Amazon's review. No Effort, No writing!
All that is needed is a description of the idea.
Easily Making Your Own AI Apps For Fun & Profit

Creates Packaged AI Apps ready for buyers to download
AIMX - AI Maker Xtreme (App Maker)
Create COMPLETE AI Apps - packaged & ready for buyers to download.
In minutes, focused on a specific use or task, such as content creators.
Want to create an AI App that generates headlines and titles? Easy! NO coding.
(some of the Apps on this site were created with THIS App.)
All that is needed is an idea and a few pieces of information.
The possibilities for what you could create are endless.
Easily Making Your Own Focused AI Chat BOTs

Creates Packaged AI BOT Apps ready for buyers to download
AI Bot Dazzler Pro - AI App Maker
Create COMPLETE conversational AFocused (Chat)Bot Apps packaged & ready for buyers to download.
In minutes, focused on a specific topic (like health, travel, etc.)
Create an AI App that will chat with people about whatever topic you choose - Easy! NO coding.
Some of our AFocused AI Apps were created with THIS Maker App!
All You need is to choose a topic & fill in some blanks.
The possibilities for what you could create are endless.
Money Apps:
NoCoding App Makers
Our teams develop a variety of multi-platform NoCode MAKER Apps for creating your own Simple Smart™ SPA - Single Page (web) Apps - Both AI and Non-AI. WITHOUT CODING
It takes NO coding (NO Code NO Effort) or a Tech education to create Apps. Create Apps To use yourself or sell/create for a fee

AD Lister Page Maker Xtreme - Creates An Advertising Single Page App
AD Lister Page App Maker
Create an Advertisement Single Page App packaged & ready for buyers to download (Non-AI) or For YOU to Use.
A Drag & Drop / Fill In The blank maker makes your Ad Page App In minutes.
It creates an App that is RESPONSIVE Page even if it is embedded inside a an i-frame on any other page/site.
All that is needed is to drop in an image and fill in some blanks.
The possibilities for what you could create (to sell or not) are endless. We also provide a SITE for hosting theses pages - FREE for members.
SCROLL SOME of The Other SPA Maker Apps (NON-AI):
BioDazzler - Single Page App (SPA) of You BIO/Profile, for yourself or for a fee
Event-r - Single Page App (SPA) For Advertising an Event
Lister Page Maker Xtreme - Create Catalog Style Single Page App (SPA)
AD Lister Page Maker Xtreme - Creates An Advertising Single Page App (SPA) for yourself or for a fee
Web List Curator XTreme - create stunning SPA pages featuring a customizable list of items, each including an image, title, optional link, and description text.
Reel Dazzler - Let's you effortlessly generate customized Web APPs for text, image, and audio presentations.
Our team develops multi-platform AFocused AI ChatBot Apps, for you to USE. With these you can Create specific Content or Images from AI you need (To use or sell) OR use the Apps just to do difficult tasks quickly and easily! Ask and They Answer.

App Interface to Use MANY AI MODELS from Our Site
AI Arsenal App - A MANY Model AI Interface
Choose and Use the MANY AI Models directly from This App - for FREE (We pay for it) - EXACTLY THE SAME as their sites.
The versatile AI Arsenal App, is a powerful AI tool that provides information, answers questions, content and fulfills requests. Ask questions (prompts) and get responses.
This app goes beyond ChatGPT by offering you the ability to CHOOSE from a wide array of MANY AI models. You can do everything with this App, that you can do at OpenAI.
The possibilities for what you could create are endless, including ANY type of content.
Use this interface when you can't find an AFocused App in the Apps ARSENAL™ to do the job.
USE OpenAI ChatGPT From OUR App - Free

Interface to OpenAI's ChatGPT from Our Site
Quick Easy AI - The OpenAI AI Interface
Use OpenAI AI Models directly from Our App - for FREE.
Everything you can do at OpenAI, you can do with the App
Use AI that provides information, answers questions, creates content and fulfills requests. Ask questions (prompts) and get responses. (We have a Prompt Database you can use).
The possibilities for what you could create (to sell or not) are endless, including ANY type of content.
Use this interface when you can't find an App in the Apps ARSENAL™ to do a particular job. OR ask us to create an App that does what you need.
SCROLL Thru Just A Couple of The OTHER AFocused AI Apps:
AFOCUSED AI TOOL - NEED A DOMAIN NAME IDEA? - Just Ask The Master! Click to Started
AFOCUSED AI TOOL - Need Help, Advice About Weight Management? Click to Start!
Some Non-AI Software Apps
These Apps are NOT AI - but Are Intelligently coded.
Our team develops a variety of multi-platform Simple Smart™ SPA (Single Page - web - Apps), for your use to Create things you need - from CONTENT to IMAGES to MORE - OR just to do difficult tasks quickly and easily!
SOME of The 14+ NON-AI Software Apps:

Meme-r: SOFTWARE TOOL - Create Memes THE SIMPLE - Even Fun! - Way (Who Needs Over Complicated software?)

Create GIF Movies from images OR video - simple task single screen App

PDF-r: Super EASY & Quick Way To Build a PDF - Why Use Complicated Software?
For those who join Now, that $5 will Never Rise!

Absolutely NO RISK- INSTANT Refund! Join without worries.
IF You Cancel in the first 30 days FOR ANY REASON
You Get Your $5 Back AND Keep Anything You Created!
No Questions
So Just HIT That Black Join Button!
(Full Disclosure: Members Who Join After This Launch WILL Pay More)
And... We PAY YOU!
You can get your monthly fee refunded each month! With our simple referral program: Each month If you recommend our site to Anyone who joins and stays for over a month, the next month YOUR monthly payment is refunded.
For $5 - Right Now - You GET:
81+ AI Sources (Models) to use Including ChatGPT (ALL The Big Models)
WE Pay for Unlimited/Unrestricted AI Use (All Models)
Simplified Non-AI Apps
Simplified Many-Model Apps
65+ Apps to MAKE You MONEY & Do Jobs
- Apps to Write Content for You
- Apps to MAKE Apps to Sell (in seconds, No coding)
- Apps to Make Products to Sell
- Apps to Write Complete eBooks READY to Sell
- Apps to Do Your Work Fast & Easy
- Apps to Create AI Images & Graphics
The New Apps & AI Models (and More) Constantly Added
Prompts Provided FOR You (4 Ways)
Apps that Run on Any Device Even Phones
One Page Manuals & Video Tutorials for Apps
Related Books, Videos & eCourses Added
Help/Support from Humans NOT AI
Every Product You Create With Apps is Yours
(Even If You Cancel)
(We have several - Bonus worth $10-$22/mo per site)
No Fees, No Contracts, Cancel ANY Time
If You Need an App, We Will Make It
The Book: The Dead Easy AI Guides:
Simplifying AI For Everyday People
(Human written. Publishing in May)
The Book: The Dead Easy AI Guides:
Simplifying Prompts For Everyday People
(Human written. Publishing in June)
Click Here to Use Our FREE AI Apps - The "All FREE" Page
Use our "All FREE" Page - NO OptIn, API Key or Account needed. We ALWAYS Have FREE APPs HERE, eBooks, Videos, etc. (Button Opens Free Page in A New Tab)
Free Apps Will Always Be Here To Use, Yet
There's a Limit To What A Few Free APPs Can Do For You
An Entire APPs ARSENAL™ of Simplified AI & Non-AI & Multi-Model AI Apps Can Easily Make You Money & Do An Immense Amount Work For You (and All AI is FREE)
AI IS powerful. Many worry about it. BUT if You USE it there is Nothing to worry about.
AI can literally save you time & make you money. Our Apps Arsenal™ is BUILT for that - every App is on ONE site. And $5 is cheaper than Anything out there!
There IS a 'No Questions' Guarantee So You can't go wrong.
More Tech Products Showcase
Digital Information Products for ALL Members
Information in digital form
Our Team creates and curates information and delivers it to ALL members in a variety of formats and forms, focused primarily on Tech & Software AND how to Market and EARN INCOME with our software.
- eBooks & PDFs (on software, marketing, etc.)
- eCourses (to teach our members)
- Videos & Audios (to inform)

Digital Art
Digital Art & More for ALL Members
With Both Artists & Engineers There Is More Than Just Software
There is more to Innovation than engineering. The creative members of our team have and will continue to create digital based art and products for this site related to tech:
- Digital & AI Art (created by our own team)
- Reel Apps (Our Creation)
Meet Some of Our Team
A Few of The People Who Develop the Products For This Site.
Engineering Leader / AUTHOR
Ex-NASA/Intel/Bell Labs Engineer, Author - Designer of DSB Management Framework for this site
Lead Artist. A Creator of Digital Art, Cartoonist, Painter.
Full Stack developer of Web Software Platforms & PWA (Progressive Web Apps)